FERC approved a one-time measure by PJM to add up to 50 new projects to a cluster of projects to be studied beginning in April.
Dominion Energy CEO Bob Blue discussed continued growth in data center demand, offshore wind and the firm's Connecticut nuclear plant during the company's Q4 earnings call.
China and other foreign actors remain committed to undermining the North American power grid, representatives of the E-ISAC said.
Eversource Energy executives announced during the company’s year-end earnings call its plan to increase investments in its “core electric and natural gas operations” by $1.9 billion in 2025-2028.
FERC took the rare step of formally noticing potential discussions with DOJ anti-trust officials over Alabama Power's proposed purchase of a Tenaska power plant.
A new study from Duke University says the existing power system could handle much of the demand growth expected in the coming years with no additional generation if artificial intelligence data centers can be persuaded to cut their energy use by as little as 1% during times of peak demand.
BPA has temporarily paused certain transmission planning processes to consider new reforms in light of “exponential growth” of transmission service requests, staff told stakeholders during a workshop.
A band of incumbent utilities has collected case studies that they say demonstrate the need to instate or maintain the right of first refusal for the good of grid expansion.
NYISO still is looking for clarification on President Donald Trump’s pending 10% tariff on energy imports, Mark Seibert, manager of ISO member relations, told the Liaison Subcommittee.
A workshop on the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative has sparked praise for the proposal as well as concerns, including uneasiness over plans to share staffing between CAISO and a new regional organization that would govern Western electricity markets.