The study comparing key features of CAISO’s EDAM and SPP’s Markets+ contains “several material misstatements of facts” and overlooks evidence “directly contrary to its conclusions,” Powerex contends.
BPA would earn $65 million in annual benefits from joining CAISO’s EDAM but face $83 million in increased yearly costs from participating in SPP’s Markets+, according to a new Brattle study.
CAISO described to stakeholders how it will apply the Extended Day-Ahead Market transmission revenue recovery mechanism to its own balancing authority area.
State utility commissioners who launched the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative in July 2023 have praised the initiative’s “Step 2” proposal to create a “regional organization.”
The white paper by The Brattle Group offers a point-by-point comparison of CAISO’s Extended Day-Ahead Market and SPP’s Markets+ that leans in favor of EDAM but stops short of endorsing either market.
The next phase of the Price Formation Enhancements Initiative will look to address issues around market power mitigation, scarcity pricing and fast-start pricing.
CAISO focused on CRRs when it served up the latest volley in the ongoing dispute over what played out on the Western grid during the January cold snap that forced Northwest utilities to import high volumes of energy to avoid blackouts.
The CAISO Board of Governors and Western Energy Markets Governing Body passed two proposals that address different issues within Western markets.
FERC granted CAISO a waiver allowing PGE to join the ISO’s Extended Day-Ahead Market a few months beyond the timeline set out in the market’s standard participation agreement.
Pathways released its Step 2 draft proposal for dividing up functions between CAISO and the new “regional organization” that initiative backers are seeking to create to oversee the ISO’s Western real-time and day-ahead markets.
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