The PJM Members Committee elected Terry Blackwell to the Board of Managers, where he will serve out the term of William Mayben, who is retiring.
Consumer advocates told PJM that Capacity Performance could saddle ratepayers with excessive costs because of its treatment of renewable energy.
This week's FERC and federal briefs include news on the Energy Information Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Energy Department.
Protesters are descending on D.C. throughout this week to protest FERC and its approval of natural gas infrastructure projects.
PJM Market Monitor Joe Bowring had a lively debate with one of the consultants for Powhatan Energy over the “duty” of market participants to self-police against market manipulation.
This week's state briefs include news on Connecticut, Delaware, D.C., Maine, Maryland, Ohio, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas and Wisconsin.
Southern Co. and three Missouri utilities told FERC that MISO has billed them more than $21 million in excessive transmission rates since Entergy joined the RTO in December 2013.
Efforts to keep the Ginna nuclear plant operating has spurred a turf war between federal and state regulators who are conducting independent reviews.
Entergy Arkansas and Entergy Mississippi will pay $32.6 million to their sister companies under a bandwidth recalculation report approved by FERC.
FERC said it expects sufficient resources to meet peak electric demand this summer despite coal-fired retirements, while NERC approved its summer reliability assessment.