ISO-NE must find a market-based solution for ensuring adequate generation by next winter, the FERC said last week in a clarification of a previous order.
FERC last week approved new rules governing how transmission customers can challenge formula rate filings by MISO transmission owners.
FERC found that PJM partially complied with its second Order 1000 compliance order and conditionally approved MISO's third-round compliance filings.
FERC will revisit its decision to prohibit MISO from assessing export charges to PJM for multi-value projects that benefit PJM customers.
News briefs on the federal agencies that impact those doing business in the RTO footprints. This week we include the NRC and the Department of the Interior.
The mild winter that has moderated energy prices in New England shouldn’t lull policy makers into complacence, ISO-NE CEO Gordon van Welie said.
A study on gas-electric coordination suggests natural gas pipeline operators create an ISO to coordinate communications with electric grid operators.
FERC rejected a request from IMEA for an extended waiver that would allow it to use capacity resources outside of the ComEd LDA to meet its internal resource requirement in serving its load.
More than 60 parties filed comments or protests in response to PJM’s Capacity Performance proposal before last week’s deadline. We have a full summary.
FERC approved SPP’s market-to-market coordination rules with MISO, after the two RTOs resolved an earlier dispute over the creation of flowgates.