PJM’s request to raise the cost-based energy offer cap to $1,800/MWh through March drew a flurry of comments and protests in the days before Christmas.
News briefs on companies doing business with RTOs. This week we include Xcel, PSEG, Entergy, UGI, AEP, FirstEnergy and Duke.
PJM wants a one-time waiver to avoid releasing 2,000 MW of capacity for the 2015/16 delivery year, when the RTO fears it may run short of resources due to retirements of coal-fired generation.
Of RTO Insider’s 25 most-read stories of 2014, seven were about PJM capacity market rule changes or the results of the May Base Residual Auction.
FERC rejected a challenge by NESCOE to recalculate the contributions of DR and distributed resources in advance of ISO-NE FCA 9.
This week, RTO Insider debuts an expanded roster for our state brief coverage. Next week, we'll have even more from ISO-NE, SPP and New York.
AES will sell up to 30% of Indianapolis Power & Light to raise capital for environmental upgrades on its coal-fired generation fleet.
NYISO said that its new capacity zone has convinced generation owners to reopen several shuttered power plants, delaying potential reliability concerns.
The New York PSC ordered a study and technical conference to identify fixes for persistent transmission congestion along the Mohawk and Hudson Valley corridors.
The EPA last week issued the first-ever federal regulations on the handling and storage of coal ash, pleasing utilities and disappointing environmentalists by declining to classify the material as hazardous waste.