Depressed coal stockpiles have led to increases in MISO’s off-peak power prices and the cost impacts could increase with a repeat of last winter’s severe cold, officials said last week.
News briefs from the states within the footprint of RTOs. This week we include Delaware, D.C., Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin.
NC WARN asked FERC to force Duke and other utilities in the Southeast to form a RTO to share power reserves, rather than keep building new plants and boosting prices to pay for them.
New York regulators have doubled the cap on the amount of solar energy the state’s utilities are required to purchase under its net metering program.
PJM filed Tariff revisions in response to an order by FERC requiring it take steps to prevent fleet owners from receiving reactive power payments from retired or sold generators
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo banned fracking in the state, saying there was insufficient data to overcome concerns over the practice’s health risks.
FERC granted MISO’s request to suspend action on long-term TSRs between its north and south regions as it tries to resolve its seams dispute with SPP.
News briefs on companies doing business with RTOs. This week we include Duke, Dominion, FirstEnergy, NRG, Exelon, PPL and Calpine.
FERC said PPL’s plan to combine its generation with Riverstone Holdings to form Talen Energy could get its OK if it beefed up its market mitigation.
State regulators approved a $130 million rate increase for Connecticut Light & Power, cutting the company’s requested hike by 41%.