PJM added an Interregional Data Map to its website.
Combined cycle generators’ performance in providing Tier 2 synchronized reserve has fallen by half since 2008.
Retrofits and other planned outages will make it challenging to maintain reserve margins in 2014 and 2015 and PJM will likely need to reschedule some outage requests as a result.
New rules requiring temperature corrections of all steam generators should not have a major impact on PJM operations, an analysis shows.
PJM predicts summer peak loads will increase by about 1% annually over the next decade, with a 1.4% increase in 2014. But the 2014 load forecast reduces peak and energy forecasts from the 2013 report.
State briefs from around PJM's territory. Included this week are Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
Maryland and Delaware joined six other Eastern states in asking EPA to impose tighter controls on nine “upwind” PJM states they say are sending pollution over their borders.
The cost of complying with upcoming ghg rules will depend on the role of energy efficiency and the choice of “blended” or fuel-specific emission standards, speakers told a high-profile forum in Washington.
Members approved a proposal giving PJM more flexibility in the way it dispatches demand response, clearing the way for a FERC filing.
State briefs from around PJM's territory. Included this week are Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.