Federal officials should do more to reduce leaks in natural gas distribution pipelines, the EPA’s Inspector General said in a report last week.
PJM and the IMM said they will target traders who schedule interchange trades for the last 15 minutes of an hour based on price differentials in the first portion of the hour, a scheme known as “slamming the close.”
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee last week heard first reading on proposed deadline changes recommended by the Market Settlement Subcommittee.
News briefs from the states within the PJM footprint. This week we include Delaware, D.C., Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Tennessee.
A summary of the second-quarter 2014 earnings reports of major corporations doing business in PJM.
Members of FERC last week revealed differences over the impact of the EPA’s proposed carbon emission rule but declined to endorse climate change skeptics’ do-nothing strategy.
News briefs on companies in the PJM Interconnection this week, including Exelon, Entergy, ComEd, PSEG and DTE.
Exelon and Pepco told FERC last week that competitive and environmental concerns raised over their proposed merger are unfounded.
PJM’s Board of Managers will ask FERC to approve a proposal opposed by generators to reduce payments to frequently mitigated units (FMUs).
Commissioner Norman Bay will succeed Cheryl LaFleur as FERC's chairman on April 15, 2015, President Obama said.