PJM Insider's Issue Brief reviews offshore wind efforts in total and by state; suggesting that offshore wind’s environmental and economic development potential requires changes in federal policy and billions more than PJM's states have committed to date.
FERC signaled today that it will increase its scrutiny of the PJM-MISO Joint Common Market process amid complaints that PJM is improperly limiting MISO generation in its capacity market.
PJM faces Market Implementation Committee Work Plan Problem Statement Resource Limits - facilitators needed for meetings on problem statements.
The PJM Operating Committee Tuesday approved changes to manuals 14 and 36. The changes go next to the Markets and Reliability Committee for final approval.
PJM’s summer 2013 emergency preparedness drill exposed several communications problems and the need for additional training, PJM’s Bill Powell told the Operating Committee Tuesday.
PJM will begin posting temporary transmission rating changes on the OASIS System Information page effective June 19.
Hurricane Sandy's lessons suggest that TO's should locate staff in 500kV substations before future hurricanes, and PJM should be quicker to take generation off line as load is lost
The PJM Planning Committee Thursday approved changes to Manual 19: Load Forecasting and Analysis. The changes go next to the MRC.
The PJM MIC will consider modifying the algorithm used for publishing supply curves resulting from the annual capacity market auction.
PJM Threatens to Sue PJM Insider for Trademark Infringement.