The PJM Markets and Reliability and Members committees approved several manual and Tariff changes with little or no discussion last week.
Members reacted warily to a proposed generic transition mechanism that would hold capacity providers harmless for future rule changes.
FTR traders asked PJM and the Market Monitor to take action to address funding shortfalls, receiving sympathy but no commitments.
A mere typo cascaded into incorrect prices and quantities in the PJM day-ahead market solution last Thursday.
FERC set for hearing a dispute over Duke Energy's exit obligations to MISO after settlement talks collapsed.
Former FERC Chariman Jon Wellinghoff is coming under fire from some of his old colleagues for comments he has made to the media regarding grid safety.
Natural gas production and demand hit new records in 2013, and futures prices suggest the trend may continue this year, FERC said, FERC said in their 2013 state of the markets presentation.
NRG Energy has become the second-largest generating company in the country, thanks in part to its acquisition of Edison Mission Energy.
FERC has set a six-month deadline for the natural gas and electric industries to better align their daily schedules, in order for the gas operating day to start earlier.
News briefs from the states within the PJM footprint. This week we include Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.