Advanced electric storage devices should be treated like limited demand response resources in the capacity market because of their short run times, PJM says.
Briefs from federal agencies governing PJM Interconnection and other national organizations. This week's news include stories from the Agriculture Department, the Obama Administration, and other national news.
News briefs on companies in PJM Interconnection: Algonquin, Dominion, Duke, and Dynegy.
PJM generators told FERC that it should go beyond PJM’s qualification rules for demand response providers — with some proposing that planned DR resources be banned from the capacity market.
No one spoke up when Market Monitor Joe Bowring opened the floor to stakeholders in the Monitor's annual Advisory Committee meeting Friday. But Bowring and his staff took the opportunity to renew their case for eliminating “sham” scheduling and changing PJM rules on opportunity costs.
Looming coal retirements will boost on-peak energy prices in eastern PJM by at least $3/MWh -- with a jump of as much as $11/MWh in the first five years -- according to a newly-released study.
State briefs from around PJM's territory. Included this week are Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
News briefs on companies in PJM Interconnection: Constellation NewEnergy, FirstEnergy, Duke, PPL and TVA.
Briefs from federal agencies governing PJM Interconnection and other national organizations. This week's news include stories from Congress, FERC, the D.C. Circuit, the EPA, and other national news.
The following PJM manual changes were endorsed by the Markets and Reliability Committee on Nov. 21.