The Markets and Reliability Committee approved the sunset of the Regulation Performance Senior Task Force, which has completed all of the tasks in its charte...
The PJM Members Committee selected Jim Jablonski, representing the Public Power Assoc. of N.J., as vice chair for 2014. Dana Horton, of AEP, moves to chair.
The Market Implementation Committee will consider changes to PJM’s real-time pricing mechanism, which RTO officials say is depressing energy and reserve prices.
EPA regulations, cybersecurity, FERC enforcement and utility rate design dominated the discussions as more than 1,000 state regulators and industry officials gathered at the NARUC annual meeting in Orlando last week.
A top EPA official told state regulators the agency is still in listening mode in drafting its greenhouse gas rules on existing power plants. Others expressed concerns.
Gas pipeline operators can exchange non-public operational information with PJM and other RTOs under a final rule approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
More than 1,800 people from 200 industry and government organizations, including PJM, took part in NERC’s 2-day cyber and physical security drill Nov 13-14.
FERC last week gave final approval to Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) standards that for the first time cover all bulk power system assets according to their impact on the grid.
FERC last week approved a rule sought by the solar industry to streamline interconnections for the growing segment of small generators.
Cheryl LaFleur became acting chair of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Sunday, succeeding Jon Wellinghoff, who came under pressure to resign after accepting a law firm position in October.