Amid complaints that the issue has not been fully vetted, members of the Capacity Senior Task Force are voting on four proposals to cap the volume of limited demand response that can clear PJM’s base capacity auction.
Delmarva Power & Light Co. must defend itself against challenges to its formula transmission rate filings for 2011 and 2012, FERC ruled
FERC reiterated its 20 MW threshold regarding purchase obligations from qualifying facilities (qf) but the panel’s two Republican members said the commission should rethink its approach.
How PJM Interconnection practices cyber security. An attack is a question of when, not if, says an RTO official.
State briefs from around PJM's territory. Included this week are Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
Generation owners that do not qualify for a connection to the PJMNet private communication network would be able to purchase as many as five under a proposal approved by the Operating Committee.
The Operating Committee last week endorsed changes to Manuals 3, 10 and 14D.
Manual 3: Transmission Operations – Adds language regarding approval of emerg...
The Planning Committee last week endorsed changes to Manual 14B: PJM Region Transmission Planning Process to improve the procedure for analyzing and addressi...
State briefs from around PJM's territory. Included this week are Delaware, Indiana, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.
PJM’s proposed changes to the deployment of demand response could cost consumers billions, members said last week as the RTO and generators squared off against load-serving entities and industrial customers.