PJM is setting slightly lower targets for renewable power in its 2013 RTEP (Regional Transmission Expansion Plan), briefing the TEAC Thursday on 3 scenarios.
PJM TOs flexed their muscles Wednesday, uniting to reject proposals to allow network load customers more frequent opportunities to switch to nodal pricing.
An overworked transformer and PJM operators’ efforts to limit prices were the focus last week as PJM continued to discuss the mid-July heat wave.
PJM Members Wednesday heard three proposals for streamlining the time consuming and error prone dr registration process.
The Market Implementation Committee Wednesday revised an issue charge it approved in March, adding a work activity inadvertently omitted from the original.
PJM will add new processes for those seeking exemptions from generator operating parameters under changes endorsed by the MIC Wednesday.
The PJM OC and MIC heard first reading last week on proposed manual changes governing PJM’s acquisition and deployment of black start resources.
In a split decision for financial traders, an appellate court Monday sent a dispute regarding PJM’s line-loss collections back to FERC.
Unexpected imports from New York — not the mobilization of demand response — caused the heat wave price crash July 18 after spiking to $465/MWh amid the hottest day of the summer.
The MRC heard first readings on two proposed manual changes. The changes were to manual 14B and 28. Read our story for details.