State regulators and the PJM Board of Managers publicly buried the hatchet over the RTO's contract with Monitoring Analytics. But some tensions remain.
Capacity imports could clear at lower prices than internal resources under proposed import limits being considered by PJM.
PJM will perform a cost-benefit analysis before proceeding with a combined-cycle bidding model expected to cost up to $1 million.
Maryland and CPV officials aren’t saying what their next move is in the wake of a federal court ruling that voided the state’s contract with developers of a 725 MW combined cycle plant in St. Charles.
PJM officials said they are pleased with the response to their request for additional black start resources, as more than 50 generators responded with offers.
The PJM Board of Managers last week approved $1.2 billion in transmission reliability projects.
Briefs from federal agencies governing PJM Interconnection and other national organizations. This week's news include stories from the EPA, the Supreme Court, the NRC, FERC and NRECA.
State briefs from around PJM's territory. Included this week are Delaware,Illinois, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.
PJM proposed a $276 million operating budget for 2014, a $1 million reduction.
FERC's technical conference on capacity markets elicited sharply differing views on a variety of design concepts and technical issues.