Dominion Virginia Power’s new Pleasant View-Goose Creek 500 kV line will be designated as line number 595.
PJM and MISO last week asked FERC to settle an Order 1000 standoff over cost allocation of cross-border reliability projects.
The PJM MIC last week soundly rejected a proposal to change the modeling assumptions used in long-term FTR auctions.
The PJM Planning Cmte. voted to continue using a load model based on the period 1998-2006 in its calculation of Installed Reserve Margin (IRM) requirements.
The MD PSC approved only some of PEPCO's rate increase; $28 million in distribution rates and a $24 million surcharge to accelerate the hardening of feeder lines.
PJM wants to eliminate incentives for generators and demand response providers that fail to perform when called on for spinning (synchronized) reserve.
PJM said it plans to seek an MIC endorsement in August of the Coordinated Transaction Scheduling (CTS) proposal, designed to improve interchange scheduling efficiency between NYISO and PJM.
PJM expects to open a proposal window for market efficiency transmission projects later this year, PJM officials told members at last week's TEAC meeting.
The OC approved changes to PJM manuals 1 & 12; while the PC learned about proposed changes to Manual 21 & the MIC heard about changes to Manual 28.
PJM transmission planners identified more than $800 million in reliability upgrades for inclusion in the PJM RTEP for 2013. Costs may exceed $1 billion.