FERC Said that the electric transmission system needs more protections against geomagnetic disturbances like the 1989 solar storm that caused the collapse of the Hydro-Quebec grid.
Public interest groups scolded PJM for excluding them from the MOPR stakeholder process and for setting its annual meeting at the Greenbrier. The public interest groups and state regulators also praised PJM for its handling of generation retirements and lobbied it to increase use of demand response and energy efficiency.
Storms provided challenges, but a bounty of cheap natural gas brought consumers lower prices, PJM officials said at the Annual Meeting Year in Review.
Natural gas’ growing role in electric generation was a recurrent theme at PJM’s annual meeting. Keynote speakers included Michael Levi and Steven Mueller.
The PJM Members Committee approved the following changes by acclimation at its annual meeting on May 16, 2013.
FERC approved a revised transmission planning reliability standard (TPL-001-4) it had previously rejected as “vague and unenforceable.”
By Rich Heidorn Jr.
WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, WV – “I don’t want to put the board on the spot,” said Robert Mork, doing just that at the PJM Board of Managers...
PJM will continue its current methods for calculating wind farms’ operating reserve charges and allocating costs of its wind forecasting tool.
The Intermitt...
Reserve market prices in eastern PJM are likely to drop in June as PJM implements a new model for calculating interface transfer capabilities.
Adam Keech, P...
PJM opened its annual capacity auction yesterday, with bids and offers accepted through Friday, May 17. Results of the Reliability Pricing Model auction, whi...