Clean Energy Buyers Association (CEBA)
The bills signed by the California governor cover rules around transmission approval, GETs, grid reliability standards and bi-directional EV charging.
SEEM's opponents argued that FERC should recognize the market as a loose power pool and regulate it accordingly.
Assembly Bill 2368 would require the California Public Utilities Commission to adopt a 1-in-10 loss of load expectation — or a similarly robust planning standard — when setting resource adequacy requirements.
Advanced nuclear technology, with all promise and all its baggage, is one of the ways New York is considering meeting its clean energy goals.
Colorado’s investor-owned utilities must compare available alternatives when asking regulators for approval to participate in an RTO or ISO, but not to join a day-ahead market.
The burgeoning power demand from data centers and artificial intelligence can be met by other means than new natural gas-fired power plants, according to a new report from the Electric Power Research Institute.
FERC is set to vote on its long-awaited proposed rule on transmission planning and cost allocation for regional lines at a special open meeting May 13.
The clean energy and consumers groups endorsed a proposal requiring that transmission providers incorporate cost-benefit reporting mechanisms throughout their projects’ lifecycles.
North Carolina regulators approved the combination of Duke Energy's "carbon plans" to implement state law requiring net zero emissions by midcentury with its standard integrated resource plans for the sake of regulatory efficiency.
North Carolina businesses called for a study of wholesale market competition, including a possible RTO, citing a lack of “cost-competitive, clean energy.”
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