September 21, 2024

Vistra Energy

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PJM Stakeholders Finalize CIFP Proposals Ahead of Vote
PJM and stakeholders presented their final CIFP proposals and posted executive summaries explaining how their packages would redesign the RTO's capacity market.
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DC Circuit Affirms FERC Order on PJM MSOC
The court reaffirmed FERC's order eliminating the default offer cap, denying generators' claims that the changes to PJM's market seller offer cap deprived them of the ability to set their own rates.
LG Energy Solution
Vistra Generation Helping ERCOT Meet Record Demand

Vistra CEO Jim Burke said Luminant’s generating fleet has performed well amid Texas’ ongoing heat wave, which has led to multiple demand records this summer.

PJM Refines Risk Modeling, Stakeholders Begin Final CIFP Presentations
PJM presented new risk modeling figures and updates to its critical issue fast path proposal and stakeholders discussed their own proposals during the Aug. 1 CIFP process meeting.
PJM Updates Proposal as CIFP Nears End
PJM updated its Critical Issue Fast Path proposal, while several additional stakeholder presentations are scheduled for the remaining two meetings before they vote on packages.
FERC Briefs: Orders Addressing Arguments Raised on Rehearing
A summary of FERC orders explaining why it denied rehearing request, which are automatically deemed denied unless the commission acts within 30 days.
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MACRUC Panels Discuss Myriad Challenges Facing PJM
Panelists held several discussions on interregional transmission planning, resource adequacy and the risks posed by extreme weather during the Mid-Atlantic Conference of Regulatory Utilities Commissioners (MACRUC) annual educational conference held from June 26 through 28.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Vistra’s Deal for Energy Harbor Runs into Opposition at FERC
Vistra Energy's deal to buy Energy Harbor ran into opposition at FERC, where parties argued it would harm Ohio's retail market and further concentrate PJM's wholesale market.
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PJM Stakeholders Complete 2nd Phase of CIFP
PJM wrapped up the second phase of its critical issue fast path process to address RA concerns with two meetings on proposed changes to the capacity market.
FERC Approves New Rules to Enhance Battery Performance in CAISO
FERC on Thursday approved energy storage and reliability improvement rules that help ensure CAISO will be able to meet needs.

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