New York announced it is seeking a combined 4 GW of offshore wind, onshore wind and solar power.
The most abundant element in the universe could reduce GHGs and solve the problem of storing wind and solar energy if production costs comes down.
The NEPOOL Markets Committee devoted the bulk of its meeting to debating changes to inputs and assumptions that will govern FCA 16 in February 2022.
SPP stakeholders once again took a crack to resolve a weighty issue in determining how futures will be considered in the RTO’s 2021 transmission plan study.
Officials from New England’s six states described their efforts to advance renewable energy goals despite the coronavirus pandemic.
The California Energy Commission held a discussion on how electric vehicles could serve as energy storage resources during emergencies.
PJM, CAISO and SPP took a step closer to the full implementation of Order 841 with FERC’s partial acceptance of their Tariff revisions.
Utilities and cooperatives in the Southeast have been meeting for months on a plan to create a regional 15-minute energy market.
Joe Biden outlined a $2 trillion plan to eliminate power sector carbon emissions by 2035 and make the U.S. the leader in EV production.
The PJM MIC endorsed the sunsetting of a longstanding subcommittee on intermittent resources and accepted the charter of a new committee.