October 22, 2024
RTO Insider
FERC Commissioner See Explains Her Regulatory Philosophy at EBA
FERC Commissioner Lindsay See addressing the Energy Bar Association's Mid-Year Energy Forum on Friday.
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FERC Commissioner Lindsay See took office the day the Supreme Court issued its Loper Bright decision striking down the Chevron deference to federal agencies, she told the Energy Bar Association’s Mid-Year Energy Forum.
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A PJM graphic shows historical capacity prices, culminating in a price jump in the 2025/26 delivery year.
PJM Market Monitor Releases Second Section of 2025/26 Capacity Auction Report
The second leg of the Independent Market Monitor's analysis on PJM's 2025/26 Base Residual Auction looked at the impact of not counting reliability-must-run resources as capacity, paired with several other factors.
NetZero Insider
The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has completed a programmatic environmental impact statement for six offshore wind leases in the New York Bight.
BOEM Completes Assessment of Future NY Bight Wind Farms
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s programmatic environmental impact statement looks at six wind lease areas covering nearly a half-million acres in the New York Bight. 
RTO Insider
SPP's Paul Suskie explains the RTO's latest issues with Attachment Z2.
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SPP Markets & Operations Policy Committee Briefs: Oct. 15-16, 2024
SPP says it is devoting significant resources to finally resolve Attachment Z2, a bone of contention among SPP stakeholders since 2016 -- by the end of this decade.
ERO Insider
Iranian soldiers march in Tehran in 2022.
Agencies Describe a Year of Iran Cyber Attacks
Multiple security agencies in the U.S. and overseas said Iran has been actively targeting U.S. critical infrastructure, including the energy sector, for more than a year.
RTO Insider
Paul Sotkiewicz, E-Cubed Policy Associates
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Stakeholders Divided on PJM Proposal to Expedite High-capacity Generation
PJM's proposal to create an expedited interconnection process for high capacity factor generation would seek to add gigawatts of capacity by fast-tracking studies on around 100 projects.
US Utilities Face Scramble to Meet New Demand
U.S. electric utilities have been caught “flat-footed” by the impending demand for electricity, Wood Mackenzie asserts in a new report. 
Regulators Get Look into Monitoring Plans for Markets+

Western regulators on the Markets+ State Committee probed an SPP Market Monitoring Unit official on how the department plans to address implementation of the new day-ahead market.

ERO Insider
Judy Chang, FERC
FERC Approves NERC, RE Budgets for 2025
NERC’s 2025 budget is set to rise 8.2% over the previous year to $123 million.
NERC Standards Committee Briefs: Oct. 16, 2024
NERC's Standards Committee approved several standards actions at its monthly conference call.
FERC Grills Grid Stakeholders on Reliability
Grid stakeholders joined commissioners in Washington, D.C., for FERC's annual Reliability Technical Conference.
NetZero Insider
Abraham Silverman, Johns Hopkins University
Grid Upgrades Challenging but Needed, OSW Supporters Say
States can reap long-term savings by upgrading their onshore grids and coordinating transmission development to serve multiple offshore wind projects, but they’ll also face higher upfront costs, supply chain challenges and ratepayer concerns, speakers at a New Jersey conference said.
CEC Unlocks Nearly $43M in Funds for OSW Infrastructure Projects

The California Energy Commission is offering $43 million in grants to fund waterfront facility improvements to support the development and operation of floating offshore wind energy off the state’s coast.

US Utility-scale Solar Buildout Set Record in 2023
A total of 18.5 GWAC of large-scale solar was brought online last year, bringing total installed capacity to 80.2 GWAC in 47 states.
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RTO Insider
PSEG has announced the route for its Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project transmission line.
PSEG Announces Route for Piedmont Reliability Project Tx Line

PSEG announced its proposed route for the Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project, a core component of the $5 billion in grid reinforcements the PJM Board of Managers approved in December 2022.

New England States Seeking Increase of North-South Tx Capacity
The New England states are planning to solicit project proposals to increase the region’s north-to-south transmission capacity, the New England States Committee on Electricity said.
SPP Sees Bias in Brattle Western Market Studies, Exec Says

An SPP executive closely involved with developing Markets+ said recent Brattle Group studies on Western day-ahead markets appear to be aimed more at swaying utilities in favor of CAISO’s EDAM than providing an unbiased assessment.

Utilities and Grid Operators Urge Caution on DLRs, State Regulators and Consumers Want Action
Utilities and grid operators urged caution on new dynamic line rating requirements while state regulators, consumers and grid enhancing technology firms said they want the mandates.
FERC has accepted SPP's tariff revisions related to its planning reserve margin.
FERC Accepts SPP’s PRM Compliance Filing
FERC accepted a second compliance filing from SPP outlining its process for determining its planning reserve margin with an order that found the RTO’s response met the commission’s directives.
Capital Region Solar in West Baton Rouge Parish
Entergy Louisiana
MISO Queue MW Cap to be Filed Sans Regulator Exemption for RA Generation Projects
MISO announced it will move forward on annual interconnection queue cap based on 50% of peak load for the year in question, this time removing exemptions for projects that regulators deem essential.
ERO Insider
NERC's current offices in the Atlanta Financial Center
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NERC Files Latest ROP Changes with FERC
NERC is seeking FERC approval for another round of updates to its Rules of Procedure.
Comments Open on NERC TADS Data Request
NERC is seeking comments on a proposal to expand the categories of data collected in the Transmission Availability Data System.
SERC Speaker Warns of Challenges in Cloud Transition
A speaker at SERC Reliability's Fall Reliability and Security Seminar discussed some of the emerging challenges with the transition to cloud computing.
NERC Examining Lessons from IBR Standard Development
NERC's Board of Trustees voted to accept five new standards aimed at satisfying FERC's directive on inverter-based resources.
IBR Ride-through Standard Passes Industry Ballot
NERC's Board of Trustees is set to vote on a tranche of five proposed standards covering inverter-based resources, after PRC-029-1 passed its industry ballot last week.
Co-location of data centers with zero-emissions energy resources such as the Susquehanna nuclear power plant was discussed during a WECC webinar.
Talen Energy
Regulators Worry Data Centers Consume Too Much Clean Energy
Pairing power-hungry data centers with clean energy resources is sparking mixed feelings among regulators, who say the grid already is straining with increased electrification and connecting new energy sources.
Stakeholder Meetings
Industry Gatherings
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Six of the 38 Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships awards announced Oct. 18, highlighting the benefits in cost savings and reduced power outages in remote and disadvantaged communities.
New IIJA Funding Targets Grid Resilience and Demand Growth
The U.S. Department of Energy announced almost $2 billion in new funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act aimed at improving grid reliability and resilience.
NY Surpasses 6 GW of Distributed Solar Capacity
Small-scale solar arrays in New York have surpassed 6 GW of capacity, meeting a milestone 2025 goal more than a year early.
FERC Finalizes Order 1977 on Backstop Transmission Siting
FERC acted on rehearing requests for Order 1977, finalizing the rules it will follow under limited backstop siting authority for transmission lines.
Amazon Moves to Accelerate SMR Development
Amazon is stepping further into the nuclear energy market, reaching agreements with X-energy Reactor Co., Energy Northwest and Dominion Energy Virginia surrounding advanced reactor technology.
U.S. Supreme Court
SCOTUS Upholds EPA Rule on Power Plant Emissions ― for Now
The Supreme Court turned down industry and state efforts to slap a stay on the EPA's new rules aimed at cutting carbon emissions at U.S. power plants burning fossil fuels.
Dominion Energy headquarters in Richmond, Va.
Dominion Energy
Dominion Releases ‘All of the Above’ Integrated Resource Plan for 2024
Dominion Energy’s 2024 Integrated Resource Plan calls for major expansions of offshore wind, solar power and natural gas to meet surging demand in its territory.