October 25, 2024

FERC Order 890

Duke Energy
FERC Nixes Duke Transmission Planning Proposal over Cost Threshold
FERC rejected a proposal Duke Energy filed to update its transmission planning process in the Carolinas due to a cost threshold in the proposal, saying other aspects of the filing seemed just and reasonable.
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FERC Urged to Close ‘Regulatory Gap’ on Tx Costs
State regulators and others urged FERC to increase oversight of “local” transmission projects while TOs insisted existing cost controls are sufficient.
Stakeholder Soapbox: A Transmission Planning Resolution Emerges
FERC should exert more authority in non-RTO areas and ensure oversight of transmission projects where competition is unworkable, says Kentucky's PSC chair.
FERC Tech Conference Highlights Regulatory Gaps on Transmission Oversight
FERC's technical conference highlighted gaps between the commission, state regulators and RTOs in their oversight of transmission planning.
Americans for a Clean Energy Grid
ANALYSIS: FERC Giving up on Transmission Competition?
FERC’s transmission planning NOPR has won wide praise, but the consensus proposal also represented a retreat on efforts to open development to competition.
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Transmission Industry Hoping for Landmark Order(s) out of FERC ANOPR
Electric transmission providers are pinning their hopes for long-sought changes on FERC’s Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
FERC Rejects GridLiance Local Tx Planning Proposal
FERC rejected GridLiance High Plains’ proposal to conduct local transmission planning for nonpublic SPP utilities outside of the company’s service territory
New FERC Rules Sought on Transmission Planning
A group of former FERC chairs said the commission should issue new transmission planning rules to help decarbonize and provide resilience & energy security.
FERC Rejects PJM Stakeholder EOL Proposal
FERC rejected a PJM joint stakeholder proposal regarding EOL projects, siding with transmission owners who argued the proposal violated their rights.
TOs Back PJM Decision on Supplemental Projects
Transmission owners told PJM its rules for supplemental projects satisfy the RTO’s obligation as a regional planner, despite protests.

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