October 25, 2024

Gordon van Welie

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Overheard at the 76th Annual NECPUC Symposium
Angst over looming load growth, cost increases and reliability headaches headlined the 76th annual New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners Symposium.
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Bumps on the Road to Net Zero Highlighted at EPSA Summit
While their net-zero emission targets might not kick in until the 2030s, the power industry already is dealing with the issues they create, panelists said at the Electric Power Supply Association’s Competitive Power Summit.
Gas-electric Coordination ‘Achille’s Heel’ of Energy Transition, NERC Summit Told
Gas-electric coordination is becoming the “Achille’s heel of the energy transition,” ISO-NE CEO Gordon van Welie told the NERC Reliability Leadership Summit.
Constellation Energy
Narrow Set of Options for Retaining Everett LNG Terminal
The fate of the LNG import terminal in Everett, Mass., has come into increasingly sharp focus in the last few months.
Gordon van Welie Stares down Another Winter in Charge of ISO-NE
ISO-NE CEO Gordon van Welie talked to RTO Insider about this winter, the clean energy transition and his plans for the future after 20 years in charge.
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FERC Comes to Vermont and Leaves with a New England-sized Headache
Experts, analysts and lobbyists convened with FERC in Vermont to talk about the issues facing New England’s electric grid in the winter.
ISO-NE: Reliability Still Depends on Mass. LNG Import Terminal
ISO-NE warns that the region’s near-term grid reliability depends on its access to LNG — and that access in turn relies on a single facility outside Boston.
ISO-NE Weighs Reviving Reliability Programs for this Winter
ISO-NE is considering bringing back several past winter reliability programs ahead of possible tight conditions this year.
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Fears Already Mounting About Next Winter in New England
Energy sector leaders in New England are already warning of a grim possible scenario for next winter.
ISO-NE Elects Melvin Williams Jr. to Board
ISO-NE elected former DOE official Melvin Williams Jr. as a board member and re-elected board chair Cheryl LaFleur as it returned to 10 members from 11.

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