October 25, 2024

Green New Deal

Overheard at NE Electricity Restructuring Roundtable
Panelists at Raab's 168th New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable discussed the implications of the recent elections and ISO-NE's capacity market.
Energy Transition, Meet Kentucky
For his EnVision Forum, FERC Chair Neil Chatterjee chose his home state of Kentucky, dependent on coal plants, to discuss the changing energy landscape.
Overheard at MACRUC 2019: The Carbon-free Future
Regulators from NYISO and PJM descended upon the historic Omni Homestead Resort in Hot Springs, Va., for the 24th annual MACRUC Education Conference.
EEI Speakers See Cause for Optimism on Climate Policy
Despite record CO2 levels and hostility from the White House, some speakers at EEI's annual conference saw reasons for optimism on climate policy.
Perry: No Progress on Coal, Nuke Supports
Energy Secretary Rick Perry hasn’t given up on his campaign for coal and nuclear generation, but he conceded he hasn’t made much progress either.
Panelists (Mostly) Bullish on New York’s ‘Green New Deal’
New York can reduce carbon emissions at an acceptable cost while the industry addresses reliability issues, speakers said at IPPNY's Spring Conference.
ACORE Speakers: Green New Deal Advancing Climate Debate
Panelists at the ACORE Renewable Energy Policy Forum agreed that the Green New Deal has put climate change to the fore of U.S. politics like never before.
Green ‘Moon Shot’ not Possible, Physicist Tells NERC Forum
Physicist Mark P. Mills gave the NERC Reliability Leadership Summit a blistering critique, saying a rapid shift from hydrocarbons is delusional.
House Democrats Put Climate Change Front and Center
House Democrats have put climate change at the front of their agenda, with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introducing the “Green New Deal.”
Cal Fire
Trump Administration Fiddled While California Burned
2018 brought chilling warnings about the growing dangers of climate change, but President Trump continued to question the reality of a warming planet.

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