October 25, 2024

Grid Resiliency Pricing Rule

Federalist Society
Federalist Society Examines the Changing Politics of Power Markets

Economic deregulation started out as a Republican policy, but GOP appointees to FERC have been questioning how it has been applied to the electric industry, a trend that was explored Jan. 5 at the 25th Annual Federalist Society Faculty Conference in D.C.

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Plan for GOP President: Cut Climate Programs, ‘Re-examine’ RTOs
If ex-FERC Commissioner Bernard McNamee has his way, the next president will eliminate the federal government’s climate programs and have FERC “reexamine” RTOs.  

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McNamee Declines to Commit to Resilience Docket Recusal
FERC's Bernard McNamee informed Democrats that ethics advisers said he was not required to recuse himself from the commission’s resilience inquiry.
Democrats Urge McNamee’s Recusal from Resilience Docket
Senate Democrats pressed Bernard McNamee to recuse himself from the resilience proceeding at FERC due to his role in crafting a controversial DOE proposal.
Nearing 1-Year Mark, Glick Rejects ‘National Security’ Grid Risk
FERC Commissioner Richard Glick reiterated his opposition to the Trump administration’s efforts to protect coal and nuclear generation.
Returning Chair Pledges to Protect FERC’s Independence
FERC Chairman Chatterjee met with reporters at commission headquarters in D.C., where he praised Commissioner Kevin McIntyre's tenure as chair.
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Resilience, Storms, Survival are Topics at New Mexico Forum
The severity of the 2017 hurricane season was a major topic at New Mexico State University’s annual Current Issues Conference this year.
Powelson: States Pushing RTOs’ Backs to the Wall
Some states are creating energy policies without enough regard for grid reliability, possibly forcing FERC to intervene, Commissioner Robert Powelson said.
Overheard at NARUC Winter Policy Meetings
Resilience, pipelines and PURPA topped the discussions at the National Association of Regulatory Commissioners’ (NARUC) winter meetings.
Powelson, Regulators Talk Resiliency, Slam DOE NOPR
Regulators from Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana competed to heap scorn on Energy Secretary Rick Perry’s bid to boost coal and nuclear plants.

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