October 25, 2024

Jon Wellinghoff

FERC Watchers Digest Order 1920 and Forecast its Future
The ultimate future of FERC Order 1920 depends on rehearing, implementation and inevitable litigation, but after reading through the order itself in the past week, many stakeholders see it as an important step forward in expanding the grid.
Michels Corporation
FERC Watchers Weigh in as Transmission Rule Approaches Finish Line
FERC appears to be nearing completion on its transmission planning rulemaking, with cost allocation rules and the federal ROFR among the issues at stake.
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Phillips Addresses ‘Acting’ Status as FERC Awaits Nominees

What’s in a name? That is the question for FERC Chair — or is it “acting” Chair? — Willie Phillips.

Has Dynamic Pricing’s Time Come?
Price-responsive demand has long been supported by economists, but despite the significant investment in advanced meters, it has yet to take off.
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Will Glick’s Departure Mean More On-time FERC Meetings?
FERC meetings began an average of almost 42 minutes late during Richard Glick’s chairmanship — the longest of the seven commission chairs since 2010.
ISO/RTO Council
Ex-FERC Officials Urge Commission to Expand Organized Markets
Nine former FERC members urged the commission Wednesday to push for organized power markets in all regions of the country, including the West and Southeast.
Former FERC Chairs Reminisce, Sound Off at EBA
The Energy Bar Association closed its annual meeting with an entertaining panel discussion with five former FERC chairs.
Transportation Bill Includes Grid Security Measures
The bill includes includes provisions intended to protect the grid from terrorist attacks and natural disasters.
Roberson and Associates
Ex-FERC Chair Wellinghoff Under Fire
Former FERC Chairman Jon Wellinghoff improperly shared non-public deposition testimony from a commission investigation at an energy conference in March, according to a report by the Department of Energy's Inspector General.
Forum Explores Challenges of Distributed Resources
Distributed resources are receiving too much blame for the utility industry’s problems, current and former regulators said at the Infocast Grid Transformation Summit 2015.

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