network upgrades
FERC is considering additional changes to its rules on generator interconnections, with a technical conference set for Sept. 10-11 that saw pre-conference comments filed this week.
The proceedings will look into the practice by MISO, PJM, SPP and ISO-NE of allowing transmission owners to self-fund network upgrades needed to bring generation online, saying the practice may amount to favoring TOs over interconnection customers.
A group of renewable developers lodged a complaint at FERC over MISO’s pursuit of a smaller system impact threshold on interconnecting generation.
An ACORE report found billions of dollars that PJM's queue reforms could unlock in the next few years, but added that proactive transmission planning could lead to even more renewables and their associated benefits being added to the grid.
MISO said it will salvage two to-do items from its effort a few years ago to better link up interconnection trends with annual transmission planning.
FERC accepted unexecuted network upgrade agreements for wind farms in the Dakotas and Minnesota despite uncertainty over who should finance the upgrades.
FERC rejected a transmission owner self-funding option for HVDC projects in a decision that could save millions for developers like SOO Green.
FERC ordered a paper hearing on the PJM transmission owner’s proposed tariff revisions to add network upgrades to rate base, requesting more information.
A cycle of generation projects in MISO’s Central planning region has accrued a whopping $2 billion in upgrades in order to connect to the transmission system.
The first amended agreements are trickling in following FERC's 2018 decision to reinstate transmission owners’ rights to self-fund network upgrades.
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