February 17, 2025

nitrogen oxide emissions

Report Quantifies Consumer Savings from Biden-era Efficiency Standards
The average household should save $107 on utility bills every year because of the efficiency standards crafted by the Biden administration, according to a new analysis.
Supreme Court Skeptical of EPA’s Good Neighbor Plan
The U.S. Supreme Court’s conservative majority appeared inclined to pause the Biden administration’s Good Neighbor Plan, an EPA rule to limit ozone-forming nitrogen oxide emissions from power plants and industrial facilities in certain states.
Our World in Data
Counterflow: World of Hurt
Columnist Steve Huntoon examines the unintended consequence of reducing aerosol pollution: the acceleration of climate change.
EPA Proposes Tougher MATS Regs on Coal Power Plants
EPA last week took the next step in its campaign to clean up coal-fired power plants, proposing to strengthen the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards.
EPA Good Neighbor Plan Expected to Accelerate Coal Plant Retirements
EPA announced details of its Good Neighbor Plan to slash emissions of smog-forming nitrogen oxides; the rules will affect power plants in 23 states.
EPA Announces Tougher Emission Rules for Heavy-duty Vehicles
The EPA announced tough new emission standards for heavy-duty vehicles: cleaner trucks but not until the 2027 model year and not completely clean until 2045.

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