October 25, 2024

Raab Associates

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Northeast Utility Commissioners Talk Costs of Grid Modernization
Increasing electricity prices must be met with a greater effort to reduce peak loads and protect low- and moderate-income ratepayers, several Northeast utility regulators said at Raab Associates’ New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable.
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New England Stakeholders Talk Community Engagement at Roundtable
Early and meaningful engagement with host communities will be an essential component of expediting energy permitting and siting processes, panelists said at a New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable.
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NE Energy Officials Stress the Need for Dispatchable Resources

As intermittent renewables proliferate in New England, the region must do a better job incentivizing reliable, dispatchable resources that can support the grid as it decarbonizes, speakers at a Raab Associates roundtable said.

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Clements Outlines Further Steps to Ease Interconnection Woes
FERC Commissioner Allison Clements said addressing transmission planning issues will be a key component of cutting down interconnection backlogs.
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Northeast Stakeholders Push Transmission Planning, Siting Reform

Speakers at Raab Associates’ New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable emphasized the importance of transmission planning to ensure the grid can handle increased amounts of variable clean energy and higher demand from electrification.

Experts Call for More Engagement, Shorter Timelines for Clean Projects
Building public support for clean energy projects will require shorter timelines and increased community engagement, experts told industry participants.
Overheard at NE Electricity Restructuring Roundtable: March 2023
A panel of experts made the argument for smarter rate design on Friday at Raab Associates’ New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable.
New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable
Experts Call for More Granular Clean Energy Procurement
Experts extolled the virtues of more granular clean energy purchasing at Raab Associates’ New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable.
NJ Foresees ‘Horse Trading’ with Other PJM States over Tx Costs
New Jersey hopes for “horse trading” with other PJM states over the cost of transmission needed to integrate offshore wind and other renewables.
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NE States, ISO-NE Start to Wrestle with Next Steps on Pathways
New England is wrestling with the practical realities of implementing any of the regional policy options for decarbonization analyzed in its Pathways Study.

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