October 25, 2024

renewable technology resource (RTR)

Fletcher6, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
ISO-NE Sends MOPR Filing to FERC, Teeing up Big Decision
FERC has a number of paths it could take with ISO-NE's filing proposing a transitioned MOPR removal.
Fletcher6, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
ISO-NE’s Plan to Delay MOPR Removal Wins out at NEPOOL
The NEPOOL Markets Committee signed off on a plan to delay the elimination of ISO-NE’s MOPR, which the RTO abruptly threw its support behind.
Fletcher6, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
In Late Twist, ISO-NE Calls for 2-Year Delay on MOPR Elimination
ISO-NE has proposed maintaining its MOPR for the next two capacity auctions and eliminating it for FCA 19, with RTR exemptions of 700 MW over that period.
Crispins C. Crispian, CC BY-SA-4.0, via Wikimedia
NEPOOL Stakeholders Discuss Transition Mechanisms for MOPR
NEPOOL stakeholders and ISO-NE continue to work on eliminating the MOPR from the capacity market, discussing multiple proposals on transitional mechanisms.
FCA 15 Closes with Big Jumps in Clearing Prices
ISO-NE’s 15th annual Forward Capacity Auction cleared with prices ranging from $2.48/kW-month to $3.98/kW-month.
FERC Defends CASPR Order
FERC defended its CASPR order, which permitted ISO-NE to create a 2-stage capacity auction to accommodate state renewable energy procurements
FERC Denies CPower Waivers for FCA 14
FERC denied CPower’s two waiver requests to allow its seven summer-only distributed solar demand capacity resources to participate in ISO-NE’s FCA 14.
ISO-NE Capacity Prices Hit Record Low
ISO-NE's 2020 Forward Capacity Auction cleared at a record low of $2/kW-month, a nearly 50% drop from the $3.80/kW-month in 2019.
Connecticut Weighs Pros, Cons of ISO-NE Markets
Connecticut regulators hosted a public hearing to examine whether ISO-NE’s wholesale electricity markets are geared to serving clean energy objectives.
FCA 13 Results Stand Without FERC Quorum
The results of ISO-NE’s Forward Capacity Auction 13 became effective “by operation of law” because FERC was unable to muster a quorum.

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