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FERC approved a one-time measure by PJM to add up to 50 new projects to a cluster of projects to be studied beginning in April.
PJM’s Market Implementation Committee narrowly endorsed a PJM proposal to use ELCC to model the availability of demand response resources in all hours, along with other changes to how DR accreditation is determined.
PJM credited emergency procedures with improving generator performance during a pair of winter storms in January, including a new all-time winter peak of 145,060 MW.
PJM's Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee heard a presentation about the preliminary 2029 congestion results in the 2024/25 Base Case.
The Members Committee was sharply divided on an agreement in principle between PJM and Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro to institute a cap and floor on capacity prices for the 2026/27 Base Residual Auction and the following auction.
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