February 9, 2025


NERC Requests Comments on Draft DER Guideline
NERC has opened a formal comment period on a draft reliability guideline covering the collection of data on distributed energy resources.
NERC OC, PC and CIPC Briefs: March 3-4, 2020
NERC’s Operating, Planning and Critical Infrastructure Planning committees gathered for their last meetings before turning functions over to the new RSTC.
RSTC Tackles Organization Issues in First Meeting
NERC’s Reliability and Security Technical Committee held its first meeting with a focus on introducing its membership and laying groundwork for operations.
NERC Plans to Expand GADS to Solar
NERC’s Performance Analysis Subcommittee is preparing a request to expand GADS to cover solar and increase the range of data.
Elections Underway for New NERC Panel
It’s musical chairs for those seeking to join NERC’s new Reliability and Security Technical Committee, with 35 stakeholders vying for 14 seats.
NERC Board OKs Committees Merger
NERC's board approved the merging of the Planning, Operating and Critical Infrastructure Protection committees and named Greg Ford as chairman.
An End to Carbon-based Spinning Reserves?
A NERC study concluded that wind and solar generators can respond to frequency disruptions far more quickly than a traditional synchronous machine response.
NERC Board Hears Debate over Committee Reorg.
NERC’s Board of Trustees got to hear first-hand some of the concerns over the proposed merger of its three technical committees,
NERC Weighing Concerns on Reorg.
NERC’s plan to streamline its technical committees faces limited opposition, although officials are considering proposals to increase sector representation.
Panel: Action Needed in Response to Oscillation Event
A NERC subcommittee says the Jan. 11 Eastern Interconnection oscillation event has identified the need to improve data sharing and guidance for responding.

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