Citing a looming FERC deadline, NERC's Board of Trustees voted once again to sidestep the normal standards development process to accelerate development of the ERO's cold weather standard.
Members of NERC’s Standards Committee said goodbye to several departing colleagues while arranging the committee’s business for 2025.
NERC's Standards Committee passed a slate of actions in its monthly meeting.
NERC's Standards Committee approved several standards actions at its monthly conference call.
NERC's inverter-based resources ride-through standard will go out for industry comments and ballots, Standards Committee Chair Todd Bennett told members.
NERC held a technical conference hoping to address the issues that have blocked the passage of a standard on ride-through requirements for inverter-based resources.
NERC staff had to "hit the ground running" after the Board of Trustees ordered a technical conference on inverter-based resource standards, the Standards Committee heard.
Members of NERC’s Standards Committee debated qualifications for standard drafting team participation at their monthly conference call, with the discussion extending the meeting more than a half-hour over its planned end time.
NERC's Standards Committee worked to keep order in a packed slate of standards development projects this week.
Inverter-based resources took the focus at the monthly meeting of NERC's Standards Committee.
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