September 16, 2024

CAISO Board of Governors

CAISO, WEM Boards Approve Pathways ‘Step 1’ Plan
A proposal to elevate the Western Energy Markets Governing Body’s authority over CAISO energy markets was unanimously approved by the Governing Body and ISO Board of Governors
CAISO Advances Pathways Initiative ‘Step 1’ Proposal to Board Vote
CAISO will recommend its board approve a proposal to eventually give the WEM Governing Body increased authority over both the Western EIM and EDAM.
WEIM Governing Body Officially Changes Name
The WEIM Governing Body voted to change its name to the “Western Energy Markets” Governing Body to better reflect its full scope of responsibility since it began overseeing CAISO’s EDAM.
CAISO Kicks off Stakeholder Process for Pathways Initiative
CAISO kicked off the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative stakeholder process required to shift the ISO’s governance structure to an independent entity within the Extended Day-Ahead Market.
CAISO Board Approves Interconnection Enhancements Proposal
The CAISO board unanimously approved the ISO’s Interconnection Process Enhancements proposal, the product of more than a year of stakeholder engagement and troubleshooting.
CAISO, WEIM Boards Approve Proposal to Raise Offer Cap
CAISO’s Board of Governors and WEIM Governing Body unanimously voted to approve an expedited proposal to increase the ISO’s soft offer cap from $1,000/MWh to $2,000.
WEIM Expert Calls for Fast-start Pricing to Address ‘Anomalies’

Fast-start pricing could fix certain “price anomalies” in CAISO markets more effectively than existing mechanisms for compensating ramping resources, the WEIM Governing Body’s market expert told the group.

Westside Governance Pathways Initiative
Western RTO Initiative Outlines Governance Options
The group working to establish a single Western RTO heard summaries of five potential options for a new governing body that could be independent of CAISO.
‘Challenging’ Grid Conditions Led to CAISO’s Summer Emergency Alerts

CAISO’s issuance of energy emergency watches and alerts in July came under conditions that mirrored those during California’s September 2022 heatwave.

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FERC OKs CAISO Interconnection Study Deadline Changes
FERC accepted CAISO's proposed tariff revisions following record-breaking numbers of interconnection requests in 2021 and 2023.

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