February 9, 2025

SPP Strategic Planning Committee

SPP MOPC Approves Late Resource Adequacy Revisions
SPP’s MOPC approved two revision requests related to resource adequacy requirements that members had set aside during its meeting earlier this month.
Non-standard Loads Becoming an Issue in SPP
SPP's SPC said the RTO’s tariff is based on a wholesale/retail regulatory regime & can handle the potentially interruptible load interested in interconnection.
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SPP Strategic Planning Committee Briefs: July 13, 2022
A task force of SPP stakeholders and staff addressing crypto miners and similar loads say the additional load could aggravate resource adequacy concerns.
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SPP Strategic Planning Committee Briefs: April 13, 2022
SPP says its Markets+ day-ahead offering in the Western Interconnection is on track to be completed by the end of the year.
SPP Board, Regulators to Take up Rejected RRs
SPP’s Board of Directors and its state regulators will consider a pair of revision requests that did not pass stakeholder muster earlier this month.
Colorado Springs Utilities
SPP Lays Out its Western Expansion Strategic Plan
SPP has laid out its clearest explanation yet of its five-year plan to expand its presence and establish an RTO in the Western Interconnection.
WER Architects-Planners
SPP Board Reviews 2021 Performance Metrics
SPP staff and stakeholders are itching to return to in-person meetings, as evidenced by response rates to annual performance metrics.
SPP Strategic Planning Committee Briefs: Oct. 13, 2021
SPP’s Strategic Planning Committee approved a task force’s recommended framework to manage DC tie revenue-requirement recovery in the proposed RTO West.
Commitment Deadline Set for SPP West Participation
SPP is closing to setting a date by which interested members of its WEIS market must commit to full RTO membership.
SPP Strategic Plan Begins to Take Form
SPP’s Strategic Planning Committee OK'd draft mission, vision and value-proposition statements, a step toward a new strategic plan.

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