January 16, 2025

2020 Western heat waves

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WECC Panel Challenges Conventional Views on Grid Reliability
The electric sector must fundamentally reconsider how it measures and manages grid reliability, speakers on a WECC panel said.
Heat Wave to Test Western Grid this Weekend
Forecasters say California and the Southwest will see extreme heat this weekend, with conditions like those that strained the grid over Labor Day weekend 2020.
California PUC Opens ‘Critical’ Demand Flexibility Proceeding
The California PUC opened a proceeding on demand flexibility as a way to address the state's electric reliability crisis and limit solar curtailment.
EKM Metering
California PUC Approves New Resource Adequacy Construct
The California PUC approved changes to the state’s resource adequacy requirements meant to bolster its ability to withstand extreme weather.
FERC Continues Ordering Refunds from 2020 Heat Event
FERC ordered two more sellers to issue refunds for excess prices earned in the August 2020 Western heat wave event.
FERC Orders More Refunds from 2020 Western Heat Wave
FERC continued to tell utilities to refund premiums they earned on top of extraordinarily high prices in August 2020 during a heat wave.
Downtowngal, CC0 1.0 Universal, via Wikimedia Commons
Natural Gas Industry Sees Opportunity in Electric Coordination
Representatives of the natural gas industry emphasized the role that gas can play in ensuring grid reliability at a webinar hosted by SERC Reliability.
Sellers Urge FERC to Raise WECC Soft Price Cap
FERC ordered six more entities to refund the premiums they earned from sales into CAISO during the severe heat wave of August 2020.
FERC Tells PacifiCorp to Refund Premiums
FERC ordered PacifiCorp to refund premiums it received for sales above WECC's soft price cap of $1,000/MWh during the severe Western heat wave of August 2020.
WECC Workshop Assesses Western Risks
WECC continued its focus on threats to the Western grid with a workshop on risk priorities and the first meeting of its new Reliability Risk Committee.

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