February 12, 2025

Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANOPR)

FERC ANOPR Seeks to Move the Ball Forward on Dynamic Line Ratings
FERC is moving forward on its examination of dynamic line ratings, with the issuance of an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking indicating the commission is considering requiring the transmission industry to adopt the technology.
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FERC Issues 1st Proposal out of Transmission Proceeding
FERC proposed changing transmission planning and cost allocation processes to help build out the grid in response to electrification and renewables.
Former Commissioners Preview Year Ahead for FERC
FERC has undertaken an ambitious agenda for this year that will face numerous headwinds from administrative challenges, not least of which remains the pandemic.
Overheard at ACORE Grid Forum 2021
ACORE's annual Grid Forum focused on infrastructure policy, transmission planning, energy markets and the Biden administration’s agenda.
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Transmission Industry Hoping for Landmark Order(s) out of FERC ANOPR
Electric transmission providers are pinning their hopes for long-sought changes on FERC’s Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
Counterflow: Apples and Oysters
Columnist Steve Huntoon says a new Brattle study challenging the use of participant funding is fatally flawed.
Overheard at EBA’s 2021 Mid-Year Forum
The first day of EBA's Mid-Year Forum included discussions on FERC's inquiry into transmission cost allocation and organized market developments in the West.
Patrick Brown and Audun Botterud, MIT
New Tx Study Calls for Holistic Planning Across Regions
A Brattle Group-Grid Strategies study on transmission planning pinpoints inefficiencies that hinder the integration of new renewable resources.

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