April 27, 2024

American Public Power Association (APPA)

Steven Baltakatei Sandoval, CC BY-SA-4.0, via Wikimedia
EPA Power Plant Proposal Gets Mixed Reception in Comments
EPA received comments on its proposal to regulate greenhouse gases from power plants, with some, including ISO/RTOs, arguing the proposal needed major improvements to preserve reliability.
Department of Energy Draft Needs Study
States, RTOs Caution DOE on Transmission Corridors
States, RTOs and others warned DOE not to let transmission developers dominate the development of National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors.
FERC Briefs: Orders Addressing Arguments Raised on Rehearing
A summary of FERC orders explaining why it denied rehearing request, which are automatically deemed denied unless the commission acts within 30 days.
NERC, Trade Groups Oppose Call for Quick Fix on CIP Standards
NERC and industry trade groups asked FERC to reject a call to change how assets are classified under the Critical Infrastructure Protection standard.
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FERC Urged to Close ‘Regulatory Gap’ on Tx Costs
State regulators and others urged FERC to increase oversight of “local” transmission projects while TOs insisted existing cost controls are sufficient.
Industry Groups Explain IIJA Opportunities, Policy Gaps at EESI Forum
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provides $753 million to help hydropower dams improve their efficiency, safety and resilience, according to NHA.
Utilities See Challenges, Opportunities in Supply Chain Issues
Participants in a U.S. Energy Association webinar said electric industry stakeholders must work together to address supply chain issues.
ERO Backs FERC’s Cyber Monitoring Proposal
NERC and the regional entities expressed support last week for FERC's proposal for internal network monitoring at utilities, but said it is a complex task.
Distribution a Cyber Weak Point, GAO Warns
Electric distribution systems carrying energy to end consumers are vulnerable to cyberattacks, but a new report says these risks are “not fully” addressed.
Court Review Sought on FCC Spectrum Decision
Utilities asked the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to overturn the FCC’s ruling opening a portion of the 6-GHz band for unlicensed use.

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