February 8, 2025

benefit-cost ratio

MISO Affirms Commitment to $21.8B Long-range Tx Plan in Final Workshops
MISO staff are resolute that a collection of 24 proposed, mostly 765 kV projects totaling $21.8 billion is a “least-regrets” avenue to achieving members’ resource planning, despite misgivings from some members.
© RTO Insider LLC
MISO, Monitor at Stalemate over Need for $21B Long-range Tx Plan
MISO’s quarterly public meetup with its board of directors put on display the unrelenting rift between the RTO’s planners and the Independent Market Monitor over MISO’s $21 billion in long-range transmission planning.
© RTO Insider LLC
MISO IMM Knocks LRTP Benefit Calculations; RTO Poised to Add More Projects
MISO’s Independent Market Monitor continues to cast doubt on the theoretical benefits estimates of the second long-range transmission projects as the RTO intends to add more projects to the already $17 billion to $23 billion portfolio.
Kansas Regulators Approve CCN for Competitive Project
Kansas regulators have awarded a CCN to NextEra Energy Transmission Southwest for the competitive project it intends to build in Kansas and Missouri.
PJM Stakeholders Debate Market Efficiency Proposals
PJM stakeholders continued debating changes to processes used to plan market efficiency transmission projects, including a new regional targeted process.
SPP MOPC Briefs: July 15-16, 2020
SPP stakeholders once again took a crack to resolve a weighty issue in determining how futures will be considered in the RTO’s 2021 transmission plan study.
SPC Endorses SPP’s Strategic Market Roadmap
SPP’s Strategic Planning Committee unanimously endorsed the RTO's Strategic Market Roadmap for 2020, designed to improve market efficiency, reliability and price formation.
SPP Strategic Planning Committee Briefs: July 15, 2019
SPP’s Strategic Planning Committee debated the merits of deterministic versus probabilistic planning approaches during a review of transmission investment.
CAISO Refines Cost Allocation Proposal for Expanded BA
CAISO is refining a proposal for cost allocation of new transmission facilities in an expanded balancing authority that would include areas of the West outside California.

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