capacity accreditation
PJM heads into 2025 with several proposals before FERC seeking to rework its capacity market and generator interconnection queue, while stakeholders work on an expedited Quadrennial Review of the market and changes to resource accreditation.
MISO said it will finalize an availability-based accreditation for nearly 12 GW of load-modifying resources over the first quarter of 2025 ahead of a filing with FERC.
Four environmental nonprofits insist MISO’s recently approved capacity accreditation is incomplete unless the RTO details how it will conduct its loss of load modeling the new approach relies upon.
FERC authorized MISO’s move to a capacity accreditation method that blends probabilistic availability with historical unit performance.
NYISO stakeholders raised concerns about the way the ISO values transmission security at the Installed Capacity Working Group.
ISO-NE is not planning to pursue the development of simultaneously clearing seasonal capacity auctions as part of its capacity auction reform project.
Demand response in MISO is poised to be subject to more rigorous standards as the Independent Market Monitor warns of more potential bad actors.
Stakeholders appear wary of MISO’s proposed, availability-based accreditation it plans to file with FERC by the end of the year for the RTO’s approximately 12 GW of load-modifying resources.
ISO-NE’s Capacity Auction Reforms project will include an evaluation of additional resource accreditation modeling enhancements, the RTO told the NEPOOL Markets Committee.
ISO-NE responded to stakeholder feedback on its capacity auction reform project at the NEPOOL Markets Committee meeting, providing clarity on the scope of its capacity market overhaul.
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