carbon pricing
Washington held a special cap-and-trade auction intended to help keep carbon costs in check after May’s quarterly auction cleared at an unexpectedly high price.
New England energy industry leaders met at the 29th annual New England Energy Conference and Exposition to discuss regionwide clean energy market mechanisms.
Jimmy, CC BY-SA-2.0, via Wikimedia
FERC on Tuesday approved Public Service Company of Colorado’s request to use the social cost of carbon to help dispatch its generation for the next few months.
Utility regulators from Maine and Massachusetts shared their thoughts on the path forward on Pathways.
CARB released a draft plan to reach carbon neutrality by 2045, tentatively rejecting alternatives that would achieve the net-zero goal 10 years sooner.
Columnist Steve Huntoon says the notion that “proof of work” cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin can increase grid reliability is nonsense.
Competitive power generators renewed their calls for a national price on carbon emissions while complaining of a lack of market support for gas generators.
A draft study evaluating ways to decarbonize New England’s power sector finds multiple advantages for carbon pricing, but also significant tradeoffs.
Resource adequacy concerns and market rules and transmission infrastructure to support state clean energy policies highlight the issues facing ISO-NE in 2022.
PJM has proposed changes to a stakeholder-endorsed proposed on solar-battery hybrid resources after consulting with FERC staff.
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