February 13, 2025

cold-weather standards

Cold Weather Standard Set for Posting
NERC's Standards Committee expects to have the latest version of the cold weather standard ready to post for a formal comment period by Jan. 27.
FERC Outlines Reliability Impacts from Colder Winter
A colder winter is likely to bring higher electricity demand and drive up natural gas prices, FERC staff said in the commission's annual winter energy market assessment.
NERC: Board’s 321 Authority on the Table for Cold Weather Standard
NERC leadership is considering using its authority to streamline the development process on another standard, a member of the ERO's management said.
Texas RE
Texas RE: Resources’ Weatherization a Success
The Texas Reliability Entity says its latest regional assessment indicates weatherization activities since the disastrous February 2021 winter storm have paid off.
David Kitto, CC0 1.0 Universal, via Wikimedia Commons
IRC Urges FERC to Remand NERC Cold Weather Standard
The ISO/RTO Council said NERC's proposed cold weather standard is too vague to properly address the grid's winter weather concerns.
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Standards Committee Authorizes Shortened Ballots
NERC's Standards Committee agreed to authorize a reduced ballot period for a twice-rejected proposed reliability standard.
Texas RE
Texas RE Sees Opportunity in Cold Weather Standards
NERC’s new cold weather standards give utilities considerable freedom in implementation, which is both an opportunity and a danger, Texas RE heard.
Matthew T. Rader, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC Denies Rehearing of Cold Weather Standard
FERC said last week that “by operation of law” it would not reconsider its approval of one of NERC’s new cold weather reliability standards.
FERC Orders New Reliability Standards in Response to Uri
FERC ordered two new NERC reliability standards in response to the February 2021 winter storm that nearly led to the collapse of the Texas Interconnection.
Matthew T. Rader, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
ERO Supports FERC’s Extreme Weather Standards Proposal
In a joint filing to FERC, NERC and the REs supported the commission’s proposal to modify NERC’s reliability standards in response to climate change.

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