February 17, 2025

constraint reliability margin (CRM)

NY State
NYISO to Resume In-person Meetings Nov. 17
NYISO plans to bring most employees back to the headquarters building Nov. 1st and resume holding in-person stakeholder meetings on Nov. 17.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: Oct. 13, 2021
The NYISO Business Issues Committee Ok'd tariff revisions related to implementing a revised approach to the current transmission constraint pricing logic.
NYISO Q2 Congestion up Despite Drop in Load, Prices
NYISO congestion costs surged in the second quarter despite lower electricity prices, gas price spreads and load levels, the Market Monitoring Unit said.
Exponential Engineering
NYISO Stakeholders OK Change on Reliability Margins
The NYISO Management Committee agreed to relax its minimum 20-MW constraint reliability margin value to price transmission constraints on 115-kV facilities.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: Aug. 13, 2018
The NYISO BIC voted to approve a revised charter for the state’s IPPTF, the group exploring how to incorporate the cost of CO2 emissions into their markets.

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