critical infrastructure protection (CIP)
In a new report on compliance with NERC's CIP standards, FERC identified several areas for improvement from recent audits of registered entities.
In a report, NERC said registered entities’ cyber and physical security postures have room for improvement in four key areas.
The 11 new standards are intended to allow for safe adoption of new technologies on the electric grid.
Comments on CISA's cyber incident reporting proposal focused on its overlap with the CIP standards' reporting requirements, with some also calling the proposal too broad.
NERC submitted to FERC its proposed cybersecurity reliability standard requiring utilities to implement internal network security monitoring software on select grid cyber systems.
Inverter-based resources took the focus at the monthly meeting of NERC's Standards Committee.
Compliance auditors at the Texas Reliability Entity urged utilities to think of them not as antagonists looking to get them in trouble, but as allies in the mission of maintaining grid reliability.
NERC's proposed internal network security monitoring standard is on track for submission to FERC after an as yet unscheduled final ballot.
NERC is taking comments through April 17 on the latest revision to its proposed internal network security monitoring standard.
Industry stakeholders were not completely sold on NERC's latest proposed cybersecurity standard.
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