D.C. Public Service Commission (DC PSC)
A major focus at the Energy Bar Association meeting was on how to ensure reliability and affordability as the grid transitions to a cleaner future.
Acting FERC Chairman Willie Phillips made his first comments since taking over the agency.
In an interview, new D.C. PSC Chair Emile Thompson talked about his vision for reaching the district’s goal of cutting GHG emissions in half by 2032.
The Senate unanimously confirmed Willie Phillips to FERC, securing the Democrats a majority on the commission for the first time in more than four years.
D.C.'s ambitious clean energy target — 100% by 2032 — has created a market for solar companies and utility bill savings for the city's low-income residents.
President Biden intends to nominate D.C. Public Service Commission Chair Willie Phillips to FERC, a move described by observers as "pragmatic."
The D.C. Office of the People’s Counsel and the district’s government asked the DC PSC to reconsider its approval of Exelon’s acquisition of Pepco.
One party to the Exelon-Pepco merger case has asked the DC PSC) to reconsider its approval, and People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye may ask as well.
D.C. officials came out today against Exelon’s revised merger proposal in filings that appear to quash the energy giant’s chances of acquiring Pepco.
Exelon offered a split D.C. Public Service Commission (DC PSC) a “middle ground proposal” in a bid to salvage its acquisition of Pepco Holdings Inc.
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