February 7, 2025

definitive planning phase (DPP)

Minnesota Power
MISO Unveils Later Timeline for Queue Processing Restart
MISO is pushing back a restart of its swamped generator interconnection queue by a few months while it tries to study through the backlog with tech company Pearl Street.
DTE Energy
Shorter Interconnection Queue Coming, MISO Says
MISO will make a fourth-quarter filing to slim its interconnection queue timeline from about 505 days to a single year.
MISO Plots Filing to Restrict Mid-queue Fuel Swaps
MISO is down to two options to curb generation developers’ ability to change their proposed projects’ fuel type in the interconnection queue.
MISO Winds down MTEP 20 Planning, Focuses on 2021
MISO is wrapping up its 2020 Transmission Expansion Plan and eyeing next year’s planning cycle, with more renewable energy predictions.
MISO Moves to Constrain Mid-queue Fuel Changes
MISO is considering how to restrict generation developers’ ability to change the fuel type of proposed projects in the interconnection queue.
FERC: No MISO Rules on Mid-queue Fuel Change Studies
FERC said MISO’s Tariff was silent on the issue of whether a generation project can switch from wind to solar while in the RTO’s interconnection queue.
Record Number of Entrants Line up for MISO Queue
Facing an unprecedented number of new generator applicants, MISO reaffirmed its aim to speed up its interconnection queue.
MISO Targets Swifter Queue Processing
MISO is examining additional measures to shave time customers spend in the generation interconnection queue by focusing on the definitive planning phase.
MISO Eyes Sleeker Interconnection Queue
Fresh off approval for one change to its interconnection process, MISO is looking for ways to advance generation projects more quickly through its queue.
MISO OK’d to Require Site Control in Queue
MISO received approval to require its generation developers to secure land for projects earlier in the interconnection queue over protests from developers.

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