February 7, 2025

direct current fast chargers (DCFCs)

Volvo Trucks
NJ Committee Backs Bill to Require Fast-charger Tariffs
The New Jersey Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee advanced legislation that would require utilities to submit tariffs for commercial direct current fast chargers (DCFCs) and limit their ability to set their rates based on peak demand. 
California Energy Commission
CEC, Caltrans Solicit Feedback on New Program for EV Charger Repair
The California Energy Commission and Department of Transportation are seeking feedback on a state grant program designed to replace and repair more than 1,300 chargers at 300 sites statewide. 
Public EV Charging Gets Boost in California

California's charging network is getting a boost from two different directions: a state program aimed at providing high-density Level 2 chargers in underserved areas and the opening of Tesla’s charging network to non-Tesla vehicles.

DOT to Fund EV Chargers in Remote, Disadvantaged Communities

The funding will put a total 7,500 EV chargers at locations, from multifamily housing developments in New Jersey and Maryland, to public libraries in California to remote villages like Haines, Alaska.

New Jersey EV Charger Bill Sparks Scrutiny of Demand Charges
The bill seeks to accelerate the installation of direct current fast chargers by giving commercial charger operators a break on rates.
Atlas Public Policy/SACE
Report: Southeast Leads US on EV Manufacturing, but Lags on Sales
The Southeast Alliance for Clean Energy's report found that despite being responsible for 40% of all new investments in EV manufacturing, sales in the Southeast range from only 2.5% to 7% of vehicle sales, below the national average.
Report Shows Rapidly Growing Need for EV Chargers in California

California will need to double its public EV charging infrastructure between 2030 and 2035, according to a new report by the state's Energy Commission.

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Automakers Pledge to Put 30K EV Chargers on US Highways

Seven major automakers pledged to install 30,000 DC fast chargers in the U.S., which would more than double the current fast charging infrastructure.

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Western Grid Challenges Weighed at WCPSC Meeting
Western regulators heard from a power panel of CEOs on maintaining grid reliability in the face of fires, storms, extreme heat and supply chain disruptions.
State of New Jersey
Rest Stop Operator Seeks Piece of $166M NJ EV Charger Push
A rest stop operator is negotiating with the New Jersey Turnpike Authority to install electric vehicle chargers along the state’s two main highway arteries.

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