February 11, 2025

Duke Energy

Duke Energy
Duke Names Harry Sideris as Company’s Next CEO
Duke is getting a new CEO as Lynn Good plans to step down this spring after more than a decade running the company. Longtime executive Harry Sideris has been named as her replacement.
The Town of Carrboro
NC Town Sues Duke Energy over Alleged Climate Deception
The town of Carrboro, N.C., became the first municipality in the country to sue an electric utility over its alleged deception around climate change, claiming that delayed action to address the issue will cost its government millions of dollars.
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Collaboration Needed to Address Large Loads, NARUC Panelists Say
The power industry should encourage increased collaboration and transparency to address the many challenges posed by major new loads, presenters said during NARUC's 2024 Annual Meeting.
Duke Energy
Duke Reports on Hurricanes’ Impact, SMR Plans in Q3 Earnings
Duke Energy reported third-quarter earnings of $1.226 billion ($1.60/share), a dip of about 15% from the same period in 2023, as its utility territories were hit by three hurricanes.
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SE Renewable Energy Conference: Will the Southeast Rise Again?
The Southeast’s traditionally risk-averse vertically integrated utilities are now embracing the clean energy transition, driven by economic development in the form of new industry and data centers.
SEEM Members Respond to FERC Briefing Request
Members of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market argued to FERC that the market is beneficial to customers and should be allowed to continue.
Duke Energy
Duke Energy Executives Discuss Demand Growth on Q2 Earnings Call
Duke Energy executives highlighted how the return to load growth is impacting its utilities during its second-quarter earnings call with analysts. 
Duke Energy
4th Circuit Remands Duke Energy Market Power Lawsuit Filed by NTE
A lower court found Duke was just competing for business, but the appeals panel of three judges has open questions on whether market power was abused.
Utilities Seek Rehearing in FERC Interconnection Funding Proceedings
A group of utilities have filed for rehearing of a show cause order FERC issued in June that could change the practice of who pays for interconnection lines at four ISO/RTOs.
FERC Requests Briefings on SEEM After DC Circuit Order
FERC requested stakeholder arguments on whether SEEM should be considered a loose power pool under Order 888.

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