September 9, 2024


FERC Sets Dynegy’s MISO Market Manipulation Case for Hearing
Nearly a decade after the MISO capacity auction in which Dynegy was found to have manipulated clearing prices, FERC has directed hearing and settlement procedures in the case.
FERC Orders ISO-NE to Reconsider Market Power Mitigation Rules
FERC ordered ISO-NE to reconsider its market mitigation rules because of an “unanticipated and highly atypical” situation that pushed prices higher Dec. 24.
Illinois, Public Citizen Ask for Confidential Docs in Dynegy Probe
The Illinois Attorney General and Public Citizen are calling on FERC to release private files pertaining to its investigation of Dynegy’s conduct in 2015.
Antandrus, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia
CAISO Extends RMR Contracts for Gas Plants
The CAISO Board of Governors approved the renewal of reliability-must-run agreements for four small aging gas plants it says are needed for grid reliability.
FERC to Take 2nd Look at 2015 MISO Capacity Auction
FERC said it will take another look into whether Dynegy manipulated pricing in MISO’s 2015/16 capacity auction and violated federal laws.
Industrial Power Services
FERC Fines Dynegy $569K for Misleading Ramp Rates in PJM
FERC approved an agreement between Dynegy and its Office of Enforcement to settle allegations that the company misrepresented its plants' ramp rates to PJM.
Fletcher6, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
ISO-NE’s Plan to Delay MOPR Removal Wins out at NEPOOL
The NEPOOL Markets Committee signed off on a plan to delay the elimination of ISO-NE’s MOPR, which the RTO abruptly threw its support behind.
Vineyard Wind
NEPOOL MC Approves ISO-NE Plan to Eliminate MOPR
ISO-NE's march to eliminating its minimum offer price rule (MOPR) continued with a vote in the NEPOOL Markets Committee.
East St. Louis School District 189
DC Circuit Sides with Public Citizen over 2015 MISO Capacity Auction
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with Public Citizen that FERC hasn't explained why it continues to uphold the expensive Southern Illinois capacity price produced in MISO’s 2015/16 capacity auction.
FERC Shelves Grievances over MISO Capacity Auction
FERC denied what might be a final bid to recalibrate the results of MISO’s 2015/16 capacity auction, blocking Public Citizen’s request for rehearing.

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