E-Cubed Policy Associates
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee and Members Committee endorsed a proposal to rework the RTO’s rules around generation deactivations.
PJM's proposal to create an expedited interconnection process for high capacity factor generation would seek to add gigawatts of capacity by fast-tracking studies on around 100 projects.
The PJM MRC endorsed one of two proposals to revise how the RTO uses reserve resources, approving a deployment scheme where instructions are sent by basepoints, while rejecting a parallel proposal to grant operators the ability to dynamically increase market procurements.
PJM is considering endorsing revisions to its governing documents to transfer filing rights for regional transmission planning from the membership to the board.
Voltus withdrew a demand response resource issue charge, while AEP and Dominion proposed a capacity obligation issue charge.
The MIC voted against endorsing a proposal to expand the scope of the Reactive Power Compensation Task Force to include discussion of existing service rates.
PJM expects to issue at least $1 billion in penalties over generation outages in December, when plummeting temperatures stretched the region to its limits.
The PJM Planning Committee reviewed a slate of proposals to address capacity interconnection rights for effective load-carrying capability resources.
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